+44 (0)7796 261633 mark@poolfenceuk.com

Fibreglass Pool Fencing

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100% Composite Fibreglass Pool Fence Posts & Mouldings

GUARANTEED! against breaking and bending

Black, brown, and tan colours post colours are “built in” with coloured resins. Will not scratch, peel or flake off

Does not conduct electricity – meets all Electrical Codes for your pool

Does not become hot in the sun like metal posts

Patented POINT LOCK SECURE LATCH available for superior safety

Patented LOCK-IN-DECK capability

Lifetime Warranty

Supplied and installed by experts throughout Europe inc UK, France, Spain and beyond.

Protect-A-Child’s Quad Bilt™ posts are unique. These trademarked pool fence posts have been developed and engineered with a special “Quad Bilt” process. This process combines special composite materials that provide fence posts of incredible strength, flex resistance, and longevity. They are the only pool fence supports that have the strength and durability to support tension and flex with shock but will never become bent. In fact testing shows the Quad Bilt™ composite posts to be almost triple the strength of most competing aluminium fence posts. In field use for over 21 years they have proven to be superior to aluminium support posts in every way.

Won’t become bent or crooked. Let’s face it, if there wasn’t a safety risk, you probably wouldn’t want to fence your swimming pool. Worse yet would be if the pool fence you did install became crooked due to bent support posts.

Mesh pool fence posts are under constant stress from the tension that holds the mesh taut. This tension is magnified when the fence changes direction and turns around corners. Children running into or falling against an aluminium post fence can snap the posts clean off.

A primary benefit of our composite fibreglass posts is their flexural strength. Just as a stiff fishing rod can flex continually and rigorously yet maintain its strength, resiliency, and integrity – so it is with Protect-A-Child’s Quad-Bilt™ composite posts. They are impervious to constant fence tension, stress and strain and can flex with shock yet will not become bent. Guaranteed! We actually offer an unlimited lifetime warranty against both breakage and bending.

A note about our pool safety fences

Pool fence posts must endure ongoing forces of fence tension as well as shock whenever a child or pet runs into them.

Protect-A-Child's Quad-Bilt™ fibreglass composite posts are the only fence posts guaranteed unbreakable and guaranteed never to become bent or crooked.

Lifetime Warranty

The superior characteristics of these pool fence posts, combined with our 20 plus years of field experience installing them gives us the confidence to back them with an Unlimited Lifetime Warranty against both breakage and bending. If your solid core fiberglass fence posts ever break or become bent whilst being used as a pool fence we will replace simply them. No quibble or hassle, just call us directly with the details of how they have failed and we will take action immediately.

Wont become bent or crooked

Let’s face it, if there wasn’t a safety risk, you probably wouldn’t want to fence your swimming pool. Even worse would be if the pool fence you did install became crooked due to bent support posts. Mesh pool fence posts are under constant stress from the tension that holds the mesh taut. This tension is magnified when the fence changes direction and turns around corners. Children running into or falling against an aluminum post fence can snap the posts clean off. A primary benefit of our composite fiberglass posts is their flexural strength. Just as a stiff fishing rod can flex continually and rigorously yet maintain its strength, resiliency, and integrity – so it is with Protect-A-Child’s Quad-Bilt™ composite posts. They are impervious to constant fence tension, stress and strain and can flex with shock yet will not become bent. Guaranteed!

Built-in Colour

The color of our composite fiberglass pool fence post is built in with colored resins – not painted or simply coated like inferior aluminum posts. So it can never scratch off, peel off, or flake off maintaining the look and high finish quality for years to come.

Current Sizes Available